




    Balm 14



    1-WEEK TREATMENT - €29
    In Chinese medicine, the stomach is linked to the earth element, the symbol of the nourishing Mother and the center of grounding. A harmonized stomach thus nourishes a sense of fullness, calm and inner satisfaction.
    Located between the esophagus and the intestine, the stomach’s function is to store, break down and transport food. Intimately linked to the solar chakra, it is also the privileged place where undigested emotions are imprinted. As the organ of assimilation, the stomach reveals the being’s capacity to open up to the unknown, integrate new information and adapt. An imbalance in the stomach is also a subtle sign of deep insecurity and, by extension, a need for control. Moreover, in the French language, the expression “manquer d’estomac“ (lack of stomach) expresses a lack of courage, which often originates in the processes of self-depreciation. Informing the stomach through sound frequencies allows the being to be nourished on all levels and to savor with joy what life has to offer.
    • Physical / Energy : Fatigue – Lack of vitality and joy – Sleep disorders – Mental overactivity – Procrastination – Toxic beliefs – Being under the hold
    • Memories / Wounds : Transgenerational imprints – Painful birth / intrauterine life – Difficult childhood – Difficulty in accepting and expressing oneself – Devaluation – Lack of self-confidence – Lack of autonomy
    • Emotional : Fear – Anxiety – Need for control – Difficulty letting go – Anger – Lack of forgiveness – Excessive emotionality – Lack of perspective – Attachments – Depression – Sadness – Despair
    • Imbalances : Insecurity – Eating disorders – Toxic addictions – Male / female imbalance – Sexuality – Conflicts related to speed and time – Impatience

    1 listening session per day minimum

    Listening is done by streaming, without downloading the audio files, via the playlist in your user space. Each balm can be listened to one or more times in a row, or even in a loop, depending on your feelings. Trust your body to find the right pace, keeping in mind that regular practice results in the greatest benefits. For anchoring and a gradual integration of the sound frequencies, choose a Harmonization Treatment over a 6-to-7-week period. Finally, check out the Listening Tips to optimize your experience.

    Denis, Engineer, Meditation Teacher and Speaker

    I had the joy of immersing myself in the sound universe of this balm, a very different experience from a simple “stomach“ treatment. In my deepest perception, this balm acts on the whole being, from the physical body to the subtle level, as if the stomach corresponds to our current situation in the matrix and that this balm helps us to propel ourselves higher.

    First, this balm generated within me, the effect of a powerful desire for liberation, a gathering of all the positive forces to undertake this path of evolution. In other words: a great preparation releasing fears and wounds, activating dormant parts to make way for the solar Christ. Second, I was propelled into a vibratory ascension, essential to reach this state of receptivity and loving acceptation. The third part resonated like the powerful infusion of the divine spirit, which penetrates the being to fill it with luminous particles. Each of my cells benefited from it, especially the stomach cells, which rejoiced in this divine cleansing! I have often had the feeling that on an energetic level, the stomach and the heart were one.

    This balm goes beyond the physical and individual world for me. It is a precious aid to project ourselves into higher vibrational worlds. This is the path for our cells to follow… and without a doubt, for the human collective.

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    Discover the Treatments adapted to your needs

    The Treatments are turnkey listening programs, lasting 6 to 7 weeks, developed from the Combined Balms. By targeting the essential energy spheres, the Treatments ensure the anchoring and gradual integration of the balms, a prelude to the expression of your Fundamental Essence.


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    Access 6 months – €555 (1)

    (1) Payment can be made in 3 installments, by credit card or bank transfer

    Access 12 months – €999 (1)

    (1) Payment can be made in 3 installments,
    by credit card or bank transfer

    Professionals, please contact me for quote requests.



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