


    Earth’s Voice, a balm dedicated to the Earth

    Erin | 06 March 2020

    As part of Good Deeds Day, Tampa Bay, Florida, will host a large public gathering on March 29, as well as many collective meditations dedicated to the Earth. During these contemplative sessions, a Sound Balm® specially created for the occasion will be broadcast in the background. "Earth’s Voice" is a tailor-made creation of an unusual balm, to be discovered in Spring.

    A day under the sign of service

    The Good Deeds Day was born in 2007 under the leadership of Shari Arison, an Israeli businesswoman and philanthropist, to encourage volunteering and to unite people around the world through altruistic and ecological actions.
    Accordingly Shari Arison says, “If people think well, speak well and do good, circles of goodness will grow in the world.“
    So when I am offered the opportunity to create a Sound Balm® to accompany the collective meditations dedicated to the Earth, I do not hesitate for a moment. This inspiring idea is given to me on a platter by Penelope Jean Hayes, a friend of Sasha Frate(1) who has the excellent initiative to put us in contact. Penelope is American, author of several books on personal growth, channel, speaker and founder of the Viral Energy Institute. As a partner of the Good Deeds Day, she is also the coordinator and facilitator of collective meditations in Tampa Bay. November 2019. During our exchanges, Penelope and I quickly realize that we share a common vision and interests: the awakening of consciousness, love for the Earth and sound healing. The desire to collaborate is there and at the dawn of 2020, the seeds of the “Earth’s Voice” project are sown in the unseen…  

    A tailor-made sound creation

    The specification stands in a few words: a balm around fifteen minutes, with a healing intention for the Earth. Carte blanche. Perfect for me:) Penelope, particularly touched by the inspired song created for “Le crépuscule des glaces” (2), imagines a song, imbued with the same shamanic spirit. For my part, I feel that we need more than just a song, even though it is shamanic: a sort of “beyond-the-song“, capable of creating a mass connection and triggering an opening of heart and consciousness. All my work with Sound Balms® resonates strongly here. And the more I connect myself to the Earth through meditation, the more the answers come, clear and limpid.
    The Earth does not need to be healed. She is doing very well on her own!
    The Earth is currently experiencing an unprecedented frequency change. She is both the one who gives birth and the one who is reborn unto Herself, taking us in her wake, through the pains of childbirth, towards a paradigm shift. In this evolutionary process, both individual and collective, it is time for the Earth to finally be considered for what She truly is: not a simple small blue ball floating in the universe, but a magnificent Being, endowed with consciousness, that sustains Life. We need to find this sacred dimension once again and honour it, through the heart. Like in a movie, a script is gradually emerging in my mind, with the intention of bringing the public to a vibratory state that favors this opening of the heart. I also see the extraordinary opportunity to integrate all I have explored and experienced over the last 10 years, from working on water to creating Sound Balms®, from inspired song to “dreamlike journeys”, group meditations in which I mix reading and sound with the intention of healing and serving Mother Earth. Everything miraculously takes its place in this project, like the pieces of a puzzle coming together perfectly.

    The Birth of “Earth’s Voice“

    In the Atech Studio where the first Sound Balms® were born, this vision gradually takes shape. This place has become a real athanor for the alchemist that I am, immersed in the heart of the Mystery… Nothing is written in advance; everything is experienced and created in the moment, with freedom to do, undo and redo if necessary.
    When extraordinary is rooted in the heart of simplicity, the real wealth emerges from stripping.
    Voice, breath, drum and triangle: just the essentials to better suspend time, open the inner space, reconnect the being to its depths… and to Mother Earth. 17 minutes of a sound journey which brings together the spirit of water, the breath of the wind, ocean waves, a whale and its calf, a language from somewhere else, a shaman from the high plains and, undoubtedly, the voice of the Earth herself. So far and so close at the same time that it seems to whisper in our ears: “listen and hear my Voice…”    
    Recognizing the Earth in her sacred dimension is the prerequisite for meeting Heaven.
    As I write this text, I have no idea how the audience will welcome “Earth’s Voice”. May this Voice make hearts vibrate in unison and allow everyone to remember that if it is of heavenly source, it is also Earth Child.
    Earth’s Voice will be available at the end of March only on this website. Subscribe to the newsletter to be informed of its release.
    I would like to warmly thank: Penelope Jean Hayes, Sasha Frate, and Jean-Marie Roussel, sound engineer (Atech Studio), for his technical assistance and his generous contribution to this project. Without you, “Earth’s Voice” would never have been created :)

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