


    Preview of “Earth’s Voice“ with a free listening session

    Erin | 18 March 2020

    Friday, March 20, 2020: Spring solstice day. Despite a chaotic context, what better time than this sacred day, which celebrates the rebirth of the Earth, for you to discover this Voice… More than a song, more than a Sound Balm®: Earth’s Voice is a new vibratory experience to which I invite you, a return to the source of Life, a reconnection to our origins. It is also the call of Mother Earth to heightened consciousness and authenticity.

    A unique context

    Humanity is currently experiencing a strange and extra-ordinary period: health, economic, political, social crisis… but above all, a spiritual crisis. From a collective crisis to individual crises, nothing is spared to reset everything. If this stage in our history takes the form of the “end of time”, it also shows all the symptoms of a fever peak before the release. In the fragile light of this new dawn, the Old is dying: old skins, old stories, old behavior patterns, old beliefs, old files, old memories, old relationships and old systems are collapsing… becoming expired. Obsolete. And at the same time, something new and completely unique is emerging, there, right before our eyes, imperceptibly and through the greatest stripping. If the feeling of helplessness is sometimes felt, it is to help us let go through this process.
    In this total loss of reference points, let us accept to not know, to not longer control anything and let Life show us the way. Let us listen…
    After a winter of deep maturation, the rebirth –of nature, earth, beings and systems– is there, supported by the powerful spring energies that breathe this renewal. Under this new influx of light, I observe with attention the unexpected turn taken by the current events (the collective meditations initially scheduled for 29 March in Florida are a priori postponed to June). Each of us is looking for a possible return to normal… Except that the norm is no longer. I cannot help thinking that this Earth’s Voice, emerging in the midst of this apparent chaos, is probably no coincidence. The creation of this unusual balm was for my part a true initiatory journey, a dive into the abyss, into both the bowels of Mother Earth and in the annals of my fundamental Essence. I found a link there that I had forgotten, like the umbilical cord that links a baby to his mother. My own counter was reset, at the very heart of my cellular memory, after crossing a thousand energy currents and a thousand countries, hearing a thousand echoes, a thousand voices from a thousand worlds… to finally return to the source of all Life.  

    Spiritualize matter

      One detail struck me particularly at the moment of the final recording in the studio. While the duration of the audio track exceeded 16 minutes, I suddenly asked Jean-Marie, the sound engineer, to ensure that the final file is exactly 17 minutes.
    17:00. This detail, like a subtle encoding, was important without me really knowing why.
    Back at home, after a quick search, the answer appeared to me: the number 17, in geonumerology, is the symbol of the Great Alchemical Work and the spiritualization of matter –and this is what it is all about. In addition, the number 17 also symbolizes the cube, which is one of the 5 solids of Plato. Now, because it is the most stable, the cube is also associated with the Earth element. What a wonderful synchronicity! Everything is right and appropriate. On Friday, March 20, 2020, Earth’s Voice will be exclusively available on, with and an unlimited and free listening session. Only your email address will be requested. If you want to immerse yourself in its vibrations again, you will find Earth’s Voice on the online shop under a specific subscription.  

    Optimize your experience

    Important clarification: Earth’s Voice is neither a song nor relaxation music, but the vehicle of frequencies that activate your inner transformation. It is therefore strongly adviced not to listen to it while driving your car (even less in these times of general confinement!), while cooking or entertaining friends over cocktails:) I invite you to carefully pay attention to the conditions of your experience by following these simple tips:
    • allot for a quiet half-hour listening session;
    • use high-quality headphones or earphones;
    • adjust the volume in advance according to your wishes (the louder the volume, the more powerful the experience);
    • choose a comfortable position that promotes relaxation;
    • isolate yourself and close your eyes.
    Anyway, I’d like to hear more about your experience. So feel free to send me your messages and testimonials using the contact form. I wish you a wonderful experience. Wholeheartedly with you. With us.

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