Single Balms
Single Balms
Combined Balms
Treat yourself to the experience of a unique vibratory treatment that cleanses and purifies your whole being, while restoring harmony.
Single Balms
22 productsChoose your Sound Balm® as a one-week treatment, according to your current needs. In connection with an organ, an endocrine gland or a specific body zone, each balm initiates subtle energy processes that will work within you as you listen. Your vibrational frequency changes at a perfect rhythm, evolving towards a progressive alignment with your fundamental Essence.
Single Balms
weeks of listening
€89 instead of €116 (4 x €29) for any order of 2 Single Balms
Un suivi personnalisé
Gardez le cap et avancez en conscience
Vous souhaitez faire le point sur votre expérience, comprendre ce que vous vivez, lever les doutes et les blocages ? Bénéficiez d'un suivi personnalisé à chaque étape, en réservant une consultation téléphonique de 30 mn (40 €) ou 1 h (70 €). Service disponible 7j/7.
Combined Balms
11productsCombined Balms are coherent combinations of Single Balms, in response to specific energy systems. They aim to restore the flow of vital energy through the different spheres and subtle centres. Thanks to their unifying action, they redraw the mapping of your entire being and facilitate the emergence of hidden potentials.
Earth's Voice
More than a song, more than a Sound Balm®, Earth’s Voice is a unique vibrational experience, a journey back to the source of Life, a reconnection to our earthly origins and beyond. This is also Mother Earth’s calling inviting us towards greater love, gentleness, tenderness and kindness. Like all the Sound Balms®, Earth’s Voice is the medium of powerful frequencies that activate the listeners’ inner transformation and increase their vibration.
The Healing Power of Sound
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” In one sentence, Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor who never received a university degree but patented more than 300 inventions, brilliantly summarized the fundamental nature of the universe.